Me: Honey, do you want some of this soda?

Adorable husband: No, I can’t drink that stuff! It’s got too much gas in it and makes me bark.

Laura Wilkinson
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  1. SkylersDad 15 years ago

    Woof! he he he

  2. Kori 15 years ago

    Bark? Huh? I dont know what he meant by that but it is sure funny. Oh. Burp? Funnier even.

  3. cozzie laura 15 years ago

    trust me, I’ve been collecting them for YEARS!!!

    My all time favorite:

    “Oh, this salsa is really spicy and makes my lipstick burn”

    A better woman would have corrected that one, not I.

    By the way, I’m totally sure I do the same thing in spanish ALL the time.

  4. Anonymous 15 years ago

    Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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