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Cozumel Artists Affected by the Pandemic 

By Greg Dietrich, Galeria Azul

Hello everyone.

Lilies from Heaven by Greg Dietrich

We are now 10 months into the pandemic, and there are no signs that we are in control. The spread is worse than ever in the US, and Mexico is also in grave danger. Fortunately, Cozumel has maintained low numbers. The virus is still out there, but we haven’t been hit with staggering numbers of new cases like other places have. I congratulate the island and those in charge who have set the strict protocols, because that seems to be the reason. Wearing masks and disinfecting hands constantly seems to work. With more tourists arriving now in January, we need to maintain those protocols more than ever.

Back in August, I started this series of articles asking local artists to share their experiences of how the pandemic has been affecting them personally. It has been an interesting insight into their lives, and the struggles as an artist to sell work when we really do not have the number of tourists that we are accustomed to.

Pendant Lamp 2020 by Greg Dietrich

A common thread with all those that have shared their thoughts seems to be how we as artists just keep working, whether we are selling or not. For me, this has been very true. I have more pieces in the gallery now than I ever have, and almost no one stopping in to see the new pieces. But…the inspiration and drive to continue has not let up. I keep busy everyday engraving or painting, and truly believe that this has helped me stay sane though these strange and difficult times. I cannot imagine how it is for people who have lost their jobs, and don’t have something like art to keep their minds, and hands, busy being constructive. 

I have been fortunate that a couple of my clients have commissioned me to make specific pieces. For me, this is always a challenge. It’s one thing to make something you have envisioned, it’s totally different to make something someone else has envisioned. I am happy to say that these have been successful endeavors with both client and artist being happy with the outcome.

On another note…Thanks to the generous donations from friends and family who love this island, my wife and I are still supporting 2 of the island’s community kitchens, and a few families that are in need. This has also been a welcome distraction for us, and we sincerely thank all those that have donated in any way to help our island community.

Greg at work in his studio

There seems to be no end in sight of the economic disaster that this pandemic is causing. I hope that the people visiting our beautiful island remember to follow the sanitary protocols and share the wealth by consuming locally and tipping generously whenever you can. Try to use some of the small “mom and pop” stores and businesses whenever you can instead of the corporate types. This goes a long way in supporting the island we all love.

Thanks for listening,

greg dietrich

Artistas de Cozumel afectados por la pandemia,

por Greg Dietrich, Galería Azul

Hola a todos.

Cana Island Lighthouse by Greg Dietrich

Han transcurrido 10 meses de la pandemia y no hay señales de que tengamos el control. La propagación está peor que nunca en los EE. UU., y México también se encuentra en grave peligro. Afortunadamente, Cozumel mantiene cifras bajas de casos. El virus sigue allá afuera, y en cuanto a nuevos casos aún no nos hemos visto afectados con cifras abrumadoras como ha sucedido en otros lugares. Felicito a la Isla y a los encargados en establecer protocolos estrictos ya que esa parece ser la razón de ello. El uso de cubre bocas y la desinfección constante de manos parece funcionar. Con mayor cantidad de turistas llegando ahora en enero, necesitamos mantener esos protocolos más que nunca. 

En agosto pasado comencé esta serie de artículos pidiendo a los artistas locales que compartieran sus experiencias sobre cómo se han visto afectados personalmente por la pandemia. Ha sido una perspectiva interesante de sus vidas, así como de la lucha de un artista para vender sus obras cuando en realidad no contamos con la misma cantidad de turistas a la que estábamos acostumbrados. 

Chichi’s World by Greg Dietrich

El esquema común con quienes han compartido sus reflexiones parece ser cómo nosotros, los artistas, continuamos trabajando, tengamos o no ventas. En lo personal esto es muy cierto. En la galería ahora tengo muchas más piezas que nunca, y casi nadie viene a ver las piezas nuevas.  Sin embargo, la inspiración y el impulso para continuar no ha cesado. Diariamente me mantengo ocupado trabajando en gravados o pintando, y en realidad creo que eso me ha ayudado a mantenerme cuerdo durante estos tiempos extraños y difíciles. No puedo imaginar cómo es la situación para quienes han perdido sus trabajos y que no tienen algo como el arte para mantener sus mentes y manos ocupadas de manera constructiva. 

He tenido la suerte de que un par de clientes me han encargado piezas especificas. Para mi siempre es un reto. Una cosa es crear algo que has visualizado, y otra cosa hacer algo que otros han visualizado. Me complace mucho decir que estos han sido proyectos de mucho éxito tanto para el cliente como para el artista, ambos felices con los resultados. 

Island Time by Greg Dietrich

En otra nota, gracias a los generosos donativos de amistades y de la familia que aman esta Isla, mi esposa y yo continuamos brindando apoyo a 2 de las cocinas de la comunidad de la Isla y a algunas familias que tienen necesidades.

Parece no haber final próximo a este desastre económico causado por la pandemia. Espero que las personas que visitan nuestra bella Isla recuerden observar los protocolos sanitarios y compartir la fortuna consumiendo localmente y dando propinas generosas siempre que les sea posible. Cuando puedan, procuren usar algunas de las pequeñas tiendas y negocios locales en lugar de las corporaciones. Esto ayuda de gran manera a la Isla que todos amamos.

Gracias por escuchar,

Greg Dietrich 

Greg Dietrich
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Written by
Greg Dietrich -

Greg first came to Cozumel in 1988 to scuba dive and enjoy the beaches of the east side of the island. He immediately fell in love with the island and its people. His dive master convinced him he should look into buying a house here… turns out his other job was as a real estate agent. Long story short, he bought a house here on that very first visit. Greg came back to Cozumel at least twice a year for the next 10 years. In the spring of 1998, Greg had a successful glassblowing related business in Seattle Washington, the city that is known as the glass art center in the United States. In March, on the first night of his much needed vacation in Cozumel, he met Liliana Macotela. This encounter changed everything. By the end of that year, he had sold his business, packed up his engraving machine, and moved here to the island. He opened his working studio/gallery, called Galeria Azul, in the downstairs of his home. He is still there to this day engraving and painting, and in general, enjoying his life here with his wife, Liliana.


  • Thank-you so much Greg for your Cana Lighthouse work. The Cana Lighthouse is located in Door County, WI. Your artwork was given to us for our 50th wedding Anniversary by Charlene & Earl Hawley. It will be treasured forever!

    Gerald & Marian Hawley

    • Gerald and Marian,
      Thanks so much for your comment. It’s always a little different when someone gives one of may pieces as a gift. Very nice to know you like it! I enjoyed the challenge as well.
      greg dietrich
      PS: GO PACK!!!

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